What you need to know:
girls ALIVE in partnership with Dorking Muslim Association are running a new weekly women- only swim sessions at the Priory Pool in Dorking on a Friday evening. These sessions are specifically for those who experience barriers to swimming in a normal swimming pool environment and funding for these reduced rate sessions is based on helping those from communities that face these additional challenges.
The sessions
Swim lessons are 45 minutes and will run from 6.30pm - 7.15pm and 7.15pm - 8.00pm. The social swim will run continually from 6.30pm - 8.00pm.
You can either book onto a block of lessons or our open swim session. We have lessons for both beginners and non-swimmers.
The pool
The pool is 25 meters long. It is 1.3m deep at the shallow end (so you will be able to stand and reach the bottom) and 1.9m at the deep end.
The pool is fully enclosed and therefore fully private. There are changing rooms, showers and toilets onsite that you are able to use.
You are welcome to wear modest swimwear or whatever suitable swim clothing you are comfortable in. Swim hats are recommended but these will be available on the day if needed.
Parking and access
There is a car park a very short walk from the pool. If you park in the car park just off Longfield Road (near Powell Corderoy School) you will see the swimming pool just down a short path. The carpark says ‘Buses and Coaches only’ but it fine to park here in the evening for swimming.
To acess the Priory Pool from the car park walk down through the gate behind houses then you will see another gate on the left part way down and that takes you to the pool building.

Girls ALIVE in partnership with Dorking Muslim Association arerunning a new weekly ladies only swim session