Last weekend I took part in one of the world's largest and most iconic triathlons - the Majorca Half-Ironman. Almost 4,000 athletes descended on the Spanish Island from all over the world to attempt this epic challenge, and I am pleased to say that the race was everything it was hyped up to be and SO MUCH MORE!

Although I have some experience at endurance events, the training never gets any easier; it's gruelling, time-consuming and quite frankly, sheer hard work! However, the feeling of crossing that finish line outweighs anything else and I was beyond chuffed when a few buddies (also girls ALIVE supporters!!) agreed to sign up and share the highs and lows of the next challenge with me.
Embarking on this Ironman journey with a like-minded bunch of women was invaluable and it was an absolute bonus to have them along for the ride! Comparing all the kit and discussing routes, sharing our war wounds and the harsh impact of injury, laughing at the obligatory chafing and toilet chat (how does one wee on a bike!?) and motivating each other on the early morning training sessions, really helped me feel more prepared and confident ahead of the big day.
Race Day!
When my tri buddies and I finally reached the start line on race day, our nerves were building and the emotions were obviously high. We tried not to be too intimidated by the high calibre of athletes that swarmed around us in their absolute droves, and with our sense of humour still intact, our team did a great job of blocking out what lay ahead and it certainly helped me calm those last minute jitters!
The Swim -1.2 miles
As 4,000 people leapt into the inviting Mediterranean ocean for the first leg of the race, the self-doubt and rush of adrenaline immediately kicked in. Thankfully, the girls ALIVE open water swim crew popped in to my mind as I reflected back to my swim sessions and Channel training with our team of wonderful swimmers, proud of how far I had come having never swam 'properly' until I reached the age of 40. These positive vibes reassured me and calmed the nerves...the time soon passed and I was back on swim track peering out of the water, stroke after stroke, checking in on my tri buddies...breathing again...everything was going to be OK!
As I reached the shoreline, a feeling of elation took over, especially when I saw my friend Amber emerging from the water. Together we gleefully skipped towards the transition zone whilst attempting to peel off our wetsuits - let me tell you that taking off a sodden wetsuit whilst running is no easy feat!
The Bike Ride - 56 miles
With our helmets on, cleats clipped in and snacks shoved into every possible crevice, my buddy Kirtsy and I grabbed our bikes and headed off on the next leg of the triathlon.

The cycle ride was a glorious route through the picturesque Mallorca countryside. The challenging 10km hilly climb and steep technical drops with flat fast stretches kept us on our toes and as an added bonus, we cycled together with our 2 other buddies for most of the ride which was a real support when battling with the strong headwinds on the last 20km.
Thinking back to my enjoyable Friday cycle rides with the girls ALIVE road cycle group, I still couldn't quite believe I was doing this ridiculous challenge, but felt so thankful how all those years ago, girls ALIVE had provided me with me the opportunity to build up my confidence on the bike. With various events such as Ride London under my belt plus the many social rides I have taken part in around Surrey and Sussex, I immediately felt so grateful to have met such a fab group of women who loved to cycle and eat cake as much as I do! Oh how I desperately wanted a CAKE AND COFFEE stop to admire the stunning views and to catch my breath on this leg of the challenge!

The Run - 13 miles
Having consumed several bunches of bananas, copious amounts of gels, a mound of nutrition bars and anything else we could stuff down our chops (we take our nutrition very seriously!!), the bike ride was complete and we reached our final transition feeling a little wired, exhausted and saddle sore but still determined to get this race done. My gang and I threw on our trainers and took off on the last leg of the triathlon in the scorching mid-afternoon sunshine. With a nice steady run pace and in my absolute happy place, the run route took us through the streets of Alcudia and along its stunning palm tree lined beach front. I totally relaxed into the 13 mile run, as I waved at the merry holiday makers who looked on in shock and astonishment! Obviously the non-stop chinwags with Kirsty (and believe me, we did not stop yapping for most of the day) on route also helped as a good distraction from the aches and pains that were beginning to consume my body.
Running is the discipline where it all began for girls ALIVE almost 7 years ago with our Mums and babes run group in Brockham, so as I put one foot in front of the other, I thought back to the many inspiring girls ALIVE members who have accomplished so much on their running journeys, from couch to 5k to full blown marathons - the time quickly passed as there was so much to celebrate and reflect on!
Over 7 hours into the race, and the red carpet was almost in sight, the temperature was rising and the legs were heavy, but, with the crowds behind us and Kirsty by my side, I knew we were going to make it.... and then just as we had exhausted all conversation (yes that is possible, despite what my husband says), we ran hand in hand across the finish line in absolute ELATION and RELIEF! This was thankfully followed by a celebratory plate of pasta and a well-deserved cold beer in the Ironman party tent, before joining the rest of our team to celebrate their incredible accomplishments.

A huge shout out to my buddies Maggie, Harriet (gA member!), Amber and Kirsty - I am so proud of this group of ladies who dug deep, believed that they could and SMASHED IT!! And I hope they all agree that doing this challenge together as a group made the accomplishment even more special. I am also beyond grateful to girls ALIVE and all of the women who have inspired me to believe that with the unconditional support from a fabulous community, anything is possible.
Philippa Curphey
Co-Founder & Trustee